

blin;tze pronunciation: variant(s): or blintz function: noun etymology: yiddish blintse, of slavic origin; akin to ukrainian mlynets', diminutive of mlyn pancakedate: 1903 : a thin usually wheat-flour pancake folded to form a casing (as for cheese or fruit) and then sautéed or baked


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1crease pronunciation: function: noun etymology: probably alteration of earlier creaste, from middle english creste crestdate: 1578 1 : a line, mark, or ridge made by or as if by folding a pliable substance2 : a specially marked area in various sports; especially : an area surrounding or in front of a goal (as in lacrosse or hockey)— crease;less adjective



dis;rupt pronunciation: function: transitive verb etymology: latin disruptus, past participle of disrumpere, from dis- + rumpere to break — more at reavedate: 1793 1 a : to break apart : rupture b : to throw into disorder lt;agitators trying to disrupt the meetinggt;2 : to interrupt the normal course or unity of— dis;rupt;er noun — dis;rup;tion noun — dis;rup;tive adjective — dis;rup;tive;ly adverb — dis;rup;tive;ness noun



di;rec;tor pronunciation: function: noun date: 15th century : one who directs: as a : the head of an organized group or administrative unit (as a bureau or school) b : one of a group of persons entrusted with the overall direction of a corporate enterprise c : a person who supervises the production of a show (as for stage or screen) usually with responsibility for action, lighting, music, and rehearsals d : conductor c — di;rec;tor;ship noun